As a tribute to the true essence of hacking, I took over Barcode Shmarcode as of 2014. I had just spoken at 2013 BSidesDE about InfoSec Learning Resources. On the way back home, five or six of us ended up at a restaurant including myself and Heidi. When I mentioned the contest as a great non-technical hacking competition, she suggested I take over the contest. I pulled in some friends and the contest continues! The contest was origionally created in 2009. Please feel free to reach out to us via the contest official twitter, @Shmoo_Shmarcode.
If you do a write-up about your entry, please let me know.
* 2024 Time Traveler’s Manual
* 2023 Theatre Playbill
* 2022 Picnic Recipe-book
* 2020 – Punxutawney Report
* 2019 – Climber’s Journal
* 2018 – Hacking the Final Frontier
* 2017 – Video Games
* 2016 – Bicycles
* 2015 – Steam Punk
* 2014 – Hacker Movies
* Older Entries that I could find
General Information
* Contest Submission hours are Friday & Saturday afternoon
* Stickers slapped on something is not creative
2024 Time Traveler’s Manual
There’s no future in time travel, but there are, apparently, several things you should never touch while time traveling. The first is butterflies. The second is something you thought was a moth but turned out to be a butterfly. This is according to a list we found on the internet, so of course it’s true.
What do we want? Your best interpretation of time travel using your ShmooCon barcode in a work of impressive art. When do we want it? Irrelevant! (Well no, not really. Entries have to be turned in Friday and Saturday of con.) This joke was totally inspired by a t-shirt, also found on the internet.
Entries will be judged based on:
- Best use of theme: Time Travel
- Originality
- Best use of Materials
Winning entries will receive a single ticket to ShmooCon 2025.
The Rules:
The official scanner is the Motorola DS4208 and your entry must incorporate your valid and scannable 2024 ShmooCon QR code. When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short project description including your inspiration, and contact information.
The @Shmoo_Shmarcode team is looking forward to seeing your creativity.
2023 Theatre Playbill
The show must go on and so here we are.
Let’s set the stage for this year’s competition shall we? We are looking for your best Shmoo Spin on big theater – Broadway, Off-Broadway, sweeping musical numbers, big dance choreography, names in lights, you hopefully get the idea and won’t “throw away your shot” at winning a ticket to ShmooCon 2024.
Entries will be judged based on:
- Best use of theme: Broadway-ish Theater
- Originality
- Best use of Materials
Again – Winners will receive a ticket to ShmooCon 2024.
The official scanner is the Motorola DS4208 and your entry must incorporate your valid and scannable 2023 ShmooCon QR code. When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short project description including your inspiration, and contact information.
The @Shmoo_Shmarcode team is looking forward to seeing your creativity.
2022 Picnic Recipe-book
It’s that time of year again, fellow hacker-artists. This year’s Barcode Shmarcode challenge is to incorporate a picnic into your Barcode Shmarcode creation.
A picnic, you say?
A picnic is a meal taken outdoors as part of an excursion, especially in scenic surroundings, such as a park, lakeside, or other place affording an interesting view, often during warm weather.
Well, we can’t promise the warm weather and as for scenic surroundings, we hear the Hilton has recently installed new carpet so maybe that can count. If there’s a lake, we’re in trouble, but maybe we can call a trip to DC an excursion and be ok with that.
A second definition of picnic is a “pleasant or amusingly carefree experience.”
We think we have this one covered. We’re welcoming folks back after a long time apart and can’t wait to bring people back together as a community.
Entries will be judged based on:
- Best use of theme: Picnic
- Originality
- Best use of Materials
Winners will receive a ticket to ShmooCon 2023.
The official scanner is again the Motorola DS4208 and your entry must incorporate your valid 2022 ShmooCon QR code. When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short project description including your inspiration, and contact information.
The @Shmoo_Shmarcode team is looking forward to seeing your creativity.
2020 Punxsutawney Report
It’s that time of year again, fellow hacker-artists. This year’s Barcode Shmarcode challenge is to *drum roll* incorporate the Groundhog Day into your creations.
If you are not familiar with Phil Connors or Punxsutawney Phil, we strongly recommend that you make time to see Groundhog Day. The film explores many themes & motifs revolving around Phil Connors, a misanthropic curmudgeon weatherman who experiences February 2nd (Groundhog Day) over and over again while covering the Groundhog’s Day festivities in Punxsutawney, PA. After realizing he’s stuck in a time loop, he tries to exploit it and undergoes several transformations. Bring your best creative chops and take us on an adventure with you!
Don’t be afraid of your shadow; even if you don’t have an entry, come visit the table! It is worth the daily visit as each year we get interesting and creative entries.
Entries will be judged based on:
- Best use of theme: Groundhog Day
- Originality
- Best use of Materials
The official scanner is again the Motorola DS4208 and your entry must incorporate your valid 2020 Shmoocon QR code. When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short project description including your inspiration, and contact information. Since you can’t relive the weekend, make sure you show your best hacking skills!
The @Shmoo_Shmarcode team is looking forward to seeing your creativity. Who knows – it may earn you a free ticket for 2021, and you’ll be able to re-live your ShmooCon weekend all over again!
The @Shmoo_Shmarcode team is looking forward to seeing your creativity.
2019 Climber’s Journal
This year’s challenge is a climbing expedition to Mount Hackmore at ShmooCon. This will be the 15th annual climb and each year is different. Through the cliffs and between the glaciers amongst a sea of hackers, you must forge a path to the Barcode Shmarcode basecamp with your valid ShmooCon Barcode. Your entry must be scannable by our scanner, the Motorola DS4208. This climb is nothing like your average foothillesque cell phone apps.
In order to get that coveted view [from the stage during closing ceremonies with your ShmooCon 2020 ticket], your submission must incorporate this year’s theme, exhibit originality, and include a valid ShmooCon QR Code.
Entries will be judged based on:
Best use of theme:
* Mountain Climbing
* Originality
* Best use of Materials
When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short bio, what your inspiration for your entry was, and contact information.
The @Shmoo_Shmarcode team, @ForgottenSec and D9, are looking forward to each person’s climb.
2019 Results
This year we had a total of 7 entries which is roughly half of the normal amount, but almost all the entries were very impressive and lived up to one of the tougher themes we have had. We had a variety of different techniques that seemed to match up with various hackerspace tools and techniques: 3D Printing, cross-stitch, media blasting, and laser cutting. Almost every entry showed incredible effort.
Heidi was so pleased with this years entries that all non-winning contestants will receive at least the option to purchase a no-contest ticket in addition to the winners receiving tickets as a prize.
The three winners were one repeat winner, Sarain with “Mount ShmooMore”, and two repeat winners: J-Nice with “Cross-stitched Climber” and @SkillfulHacking with “Climbing Moose”.
This is “Mount ShmooMore” from Sarain, our only returning winner this year. This is a piece of styrafoam that was media blasted with baking soda and a 3D Printed Climbing Moose.
This is the “Cross-stitched Climber” from J-Nice. This is a climbing belt with a couple of climbing gym tags and hand stitched small QR code. This is an incredible amount of stitching to get the QR code correct.
This is a video of “Climbing Moose” from @SkillfulHacking. It was the second entry submitted. It is a rebuilt climbing Santa with 3D Printed climbing axes.
2019 Honorable Mentions
This year’s laser cut entry was a topographical map with the QR Code included in the Ocean named “Expedition to Mount Hackmore” by FDG
There was also an entry by a father daughter pair that was neat named “Conquering Motor Mountain”. It utilized a Raspberry Pi and some motors to have a figure climb a mountain that was neat.
2018 Captain’s Log:
Hacking: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship ShmooCon. Its mission in its fourteenth-year: to explore strange new knowledge, to seek out new information and new methods, to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Your away mission has one simple directive – your barcode must scan valid for ShmooCon 2018 registration. If it doesn’t scan, you cannot enter the contest (although we may still award points for effort, so you know, try).
Our species of choice is the Motorola DS4208.
• Best use of theme – Show your spaciness!
• Originality – Creativity is like a tri-corder; use it for anything!
• Best use of materials – Go where no one has gone before!
The top 3 entries will each win a coveted ShmooCon barcode for ShmooCon 2019.
@ForgottenSec is now joined by @datapacke7 as your judges. Look for them near registration on both Friday and Saturday (times will be posted in the program). Winners will be announced at closing ceremonies.
2018 Results
I was quite surprised that we only had 14 entries for Barcode Shmarcode 2018, but we had no shortage of amazing ideas.
“Shmoo Constellation” by Sarain – With amazing perseverance, the stars held up by strings scanned through the looking hole.
“Journey to Babel” by Cragin – Fully utilizing the star trek theme, this is similar to the badge for Ambassador Gav from season 2 episode 10 from November 1967.
“Two Other Worlds” by Amanda – this Diorama is a very creature take on theme.
Honorable Mention:
“German Shmoo Plate” by Mark – a unique ShmooCon memorabilia idea that led to several people asking how they could acquire a similar licence plate.
2017 High Scores:
Does anyone like games?
How about video games?
We like video games and we suspect a few of you do too.
This year’s Barcode Shmarcode theme is video games.
Re-create something from a memorable game incorporating your valid Shmoocon Barcode.
Go Bananas! Use all available resources to show off your hacking skills.
In fact, there is only one – your barcode must scan valid for ShmooCon 2017 registration. If it doesn’t scan, you cannot enter the contest (although we may still award points for effort, so you know, try).
Our weapon of choice is the Motorola DS4208 or the flak cannon.
Best use of theme – ShmooCon is about all the games this year, not just Hack Fortress! Reach your limit break and achieve Final Heaven.
Originality – Creativity is the of hacking. Stickers are boring like camping the spawn point… just saying “Don’t be a griefer”
Best use of materials – The BFG wasn’t made in a single day; you can score epic frags with a more little effort.
The top 3 entries will each win a coveted ShmooCon barcode for ShmooCon 2018.
Are you on the path of destruction? Will you make your time? Have the Ayys already won? Is your energy bar full?
Once again @ForgottenSec and @DA_667 are serving as your judges (their favorite games are public). Look for them near registration on both Friday and Saturday (times will be posted in the program). Winners will be announced at closing ceremonies.
2016 Rankings:
Bicycle. Bicycle.
You say Bar.
I say Code.
You say Shmar. I say hey man
Here’s my entry to this game.
That’s right – Barcode Shmarcode is back and you should get ready to ride. This annual event is an opportunity for you to express your geek creativity to the fullest extent. Your mission? Find the coolest, l33t3st, most hacker-ish way to print your barcode and then wow us at the con.
In fact, there is only one – your barcode must scan as a valid for ShmooCon 2016 registration. If it doesn’t scan, you cannot enter the contest (although we may still award points for effort, so you know, try).
Our scanner of choice is the Motorola DS4208.
*Best use of theme – ShmooCon has caught the cycling madness. Use your imagination and blow this theme up! As long as it relates to the bicycle or cycling world in some fashion you’ll be pedaling down the right path.
*Originality – This one is wheely important. (See what we did there?)
*Best use of materials – No matter how how much time you spent using photoshop, a simple printed piece of paper probably isn’t going to impress us. Or it might. It just depends.
The top 3 entries will each win a coveted ShmooCon barcode for ShmooCon 2017.
So really, what do you have to lose?
Once again the fine folks at Unallocated Space are serving as your judges. Look for them near registration on both Friday and Saturday (times will be posted in the program). Winners will be announced at closing ceremonies.
Questions can be sent here.
* Sarain – Unicycle with laser etched barcode on the wheel
* ArmyTra1n3d – Shmoocon Cycle Timer
* SuperSat – Slow Scan AM video through pwm’ing a LED
* Total Entries: 13
* Total /scannable/ entries: 11
Interesting Entries:
My #StarWars @shmoocon #BarcodeShmarcode entry – #BB8 with an #AppleWatch (& without for better movement)
— Marcus Alzona (@MarcusAlzona) January 16, 2016
Excited @shmoocon #BB8 after passing #BarcodeShmarcode registration /@Sphero #StarWars #BB8sphero #shmoocon #infosec
— Marcus Alzona (@MarcusAlzona) January 16, 2016
* []Jean-Philippe Ouellet’s Entry
2015 Gadget Contest:
What is Barcode Shmarcode? What is at stake? Why the hell should you care?
Barcode Shmarcode is an opportunity for you to express your geek creativity. Find the coolest, l33t3st, most hacker-ish way to print your barcode and bring it to the con. In the past we’ve seen cakes, cross stitch, Shmeat, an airplane boarding pass, beer labels, cereal boxes, arduinos with leds, and a laser pointer with something wrapped in electrical tape attached to it (no really, it was cool).
Based on the following criteria, the top 3 contest entries will win a coveted ShmooCon barcode for next year, enabling them to bypass the F5 apocalypse and NOP SLED to victory:
* Originality – critically important
* Best use of theme
* Best use of Materials
The rules are simple:
Oh who are we kidding – there’s only one rule: Your barcode must must scan and be valid for your entry to be considered for judging. If it does not scan to a valid ShmooCon registration barcode, it is not a valid entry! We will be using a Motorola DS4208 scanner to verify your barcode – the same scanners used at registration.
We will be available near the registration desk (Look for the goons in Unallocated Space T-shirts) on Friday from 3-6PM and again on Saturday from 2-5PM. Winners will be announced during closing ceremonies.
This year’s theme is Steam Punk… We don’t know about you, but we really like Steam Punk, now let’s make our barcode displays referencing them. The theme is not required, it’s recommend you try to abide by it, but an awesome submission that doesn’t could still win. We’re all hackers here, do what comes natural.
* Leanne Mitchell – “Captain Shmoocon”
* @ArmyTra1n3d – “Ode to Shmoo”
* @hypoweb – “Back to Shmoo”
Hypoweb’s Write-up
* Pictures of each entry:
* Other Posts:
Pace University Write-up
DC949 has a rule that they do not run any event for more then 5 years, but this year is the 6th year of Barcode Shmarcode. Heidi, the awesome organizer of Shmoocon, asked that we take over the event. DA and Forgotten organized and advertised the event and Buddy assisted during the conference to help run the table.
This year we had 24 entries. It seems some people failed to follow directions as a few entries didn’t scan, and one scanned to something that wasn’t their Shmoocon Barcode. We were impressed by the number of entries this year and we hope to as more or more next year. This years theme was “Hacker Movies”.
The winning entries were:
* Best use of Theme: Encom Badge by Chris Carpenter

* Most Creative: Bow to my Firewall Cake by Leanne Mitchell
* Best use of Materials: Shmootank by ArmyTra1n3d
* Honorable Mention: “Sneakers” blackbox answering machine – Nathan Heafner
Nathan’s post
Other Entries:
Older Entries
@UseNachos 2013 Winning Lego
@dc949 thanks for picking my barcode shmarcode entry and thanks @shmoocon for an awesome time. See you next year!
— Erin (@useNachos) February 18, 2013
Awesome picture of @UseNachos Entry
Irongeek_adclaser entry